Friday, February 28, 2014

Just Rambling

Just Rambling

Life has been a mad dash to settle all the clutter, and mess from the months of me just barely getting by. My house is almost in order. The children are happier. I am happy and hopeful. My worst fear was that the antidepressants would hurt me as they have in the past. You name it I've most likely been on it. The side effects range from worsened depression to gaining almost 100 pounds. I became  violent on some of them, and absolutely bat shit crazy on others. However this new one has had a good affect on me. So far I have been more energetic, more patient, less sensitive, and more interested in life.

I have no new adventures. The children and I are just working on getting back on track, reconnecting, laughing, loving, and enjoying Us. We spend days talking. Well they rattle on and on, and I bask in the constant chatter that a month ago would drive me to tears. I surprise them with random attacks. I sneak up on them, and wrestle them until they are giggling uncontrollably. We do little cook outs on the weekends with a couple of their friends. We bake lots of sweets. We watch way to much spongebob. (THIS IS HUGE, because before meds spongebob would set me off). We pick and tease one another. We get out of the house a little more. I don't yell very often. I don't lash out at anyone anymore. They enjoy being around me again. I love being with them.

Has it been all rainbows and butterflies? Hell no. We are human. I still have bad days. I have had a toothache for a week now. (I'm taking antibiotics to kill any infection.) A week of almost constant pain can make anyone irritable, but nothing like before. I admittedly fussed at them yesterday for fighting. I also admit our meals were not very healthy. I spent two days lounging in bed because of the pain so my house needs a good run through. Yet those two days allowed for us to lay together, and watch tv. The things that would set me off before, are now just minor annoyances. I often find humor in them. The fear of the medication is still there, but that keeps me aware of how it is affecting me.

 I have suffered depression, and anxiety my entire life. I do not like it. I wish I could change it. I can't. So I have to face reality. I have a chemical imbalance. It has always made me feel crazy, and like I have to depend on pills to be normal. (yes yes I know I am anything but normal). I have an artistic temperament. I see things in ways that others couldn't imagine. I create things from my imagination. I see beauty in everything. My world is vibrant colors. I wouldn't change that, so I have to accept the other aspects of my personality as well. There is a darkness. I am so sensitive to the point of absorbing others energy. I hurt deeply. I'm intense, and introverted. Both sides of  the me have their purpose, and can be overwhelming. Finding balance on my own just wasn't possible. So I will cautiously take antidepressants, and be thankful that the two sides are coming together.

I am learning to embrace who I am, and it is okay to be different. I have a purpose in this life. I have a path all my own. I have been blessed with children, and they are some amazing kids! I don't want to be someone else. I love that I am creative. That I am not afraid to try new mediums in art. I have never painted in my life, but I plan to try it. I think it is a gift  that I love to learn new things. I think I am brilliant in my own way. I recognize my inner beauty, and I am realizing my outer beauty. I am me, and that is awesome!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Hi everyone, I have been super busy here lately. I have been spring cleaning. Yes I am aware that it is not yet spring, but I needed a head start. I have tackled the kid's room, bathroom, kitchen, and my room. I am desperately trying to organize all of my "junk". As a general rule I am not a hoarder. When it comes to my projects, and art I throw away NOTHING!!! So I spent my entire day yesterday going through bins of fabrics, folding, sorting, and repacking them. Today I will tackle the endless odds and ends of my craft room. By Friday of next week I intend to have every toy, bead, button, scrap of paper, and everything else nicely tucked away in hand sewn pocket caddies. Wish me luck, and pray the endless amount of things I own doesn't send me back to the doctor. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

 Getting Back to Good

This is my second week on antidepressants. I have been running around cleaning EVERYTHING.  I found a lot of tossed away "junk" that I've cleaned, and repurposed. No I did not go dumpster diving. My family has a lot of things they don't use, and have just stored it all up. Things I've found.....

Wine Rack ....turned toilet paper holder
Assorted jars of many shapes... candles
Plates... I love having a mix match assortment of dishes
Coffee cups... One again love dishes
Pretty mixing bowls

My plans for this week is organizing, crafting, and homeschooling.

Depression knocked me for one hell of a loop. I was sad, angry, hurt, desperate, tired, pale, and a whole slew of other symptoms. I was terrified of antidepressants because my past experience has been horrible.I gained 100 pounds and slept 18 hours a day at one point. This medicine has been amazing for me. I'm finally getting back to good. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


We had a winter storm come through Tuesday night. Our lights went out around 4 yesterday morning, and finally came back on ten minutes ago. My kids may not watch tv, or play games all day long. As soon as the power is out they act like it's the end of the world. There are only so many times a person can play cards, yahtzee, and mad science before they lose their mind. Luckily we got our generator running today, and the kids we thrilled to watch tv. This crazy momma was ready for a break. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Just Checking In

I had a busy day today. I am usually not a morning person, however this morning I was on top of my game! I got up, did a load of  laundry, got myself and the kids dressed, and put on my makeup (this is huge as I haven't worn makeup in months!). All while drinking my coffee. All of this was done, and we were out the door within an hour. Then I dropped the kids off at my cousins, and headed to walmart.
I got home put away groceries, and did all the fun housewife stuff. I am just now sitting down. Yes I know no one really wants to hear about my boring day, but I figured I would get in the habit of checking in daily. So you guys that was my day.  Now to finish it out I am going to check out the $5 fashion website, and look for easy sew patterns on pinterest. Goodnight.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bent but not Broken

     Like  many people I have always wanted to fit in, be good enough, and be accepted. To achieve this I hid myself. I pretended to not care. I was shy. This made me seem aloof, stuck up, and a total bitch. I starved myself for the perfect body. I pretended to be stupid. I dressed like a complete hoochie. I desperately wanted someone to love me. 
     As an adult I got in an abusive relationship. He loved me. He wanted me. Yeah Yeah I know better now... That relationship left me broken, more so than I already was. From that point on I deliberately got involved with unavailable men. I still craved love, and human connection. I was too scared to allow myself anything real. Sex was the only expression of love, the only connection I was willing to make. 
     For years I have suffered from major depressive disorder, and anxiety. It creeps in on me slowly. I start withdrawing. I become agoraphobic. I stop eating. It gets bad. I may have to deal with it for the rest of my life. that is okay.
     This time I learned my lesson well. No one can love me if I don't love myself, and I damn well do love myself. I'm far from perfect, but I'm real. I am honest. What other people think of me, and my life does not matter. This is my journey. I have to find the path that is meant for me. Never allow anyone to make me feel less than. My past is just that the past. Never be ashamed of who I am. 
     I am still young. I will not stay the same. I will grow, and change. I will fall on my face, but I will get up and fight harder. My journey is just beginning. Instead of allowing depression, anxiety, circumstance, and people drag me down I am going to make it epic. Take me or leave me, but here I am.